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Technical Regulations for Electrical and Telecommunication Products and Components (2022.11.11)

By November 18, 2022June 14th, 2023No Comments

Korea Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) promulgated the revision of Technical Regulations for Electrical and Telecommunication Products and Components, KC 61851-1, KC 62752 and KC 61851-22. It intends to harmonize the applicable Korean safety standards with the latest IEC standards (IEC 61851-1 Ed 3.0), complying with the WTO/TBT (WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade), IECEE, and to abolish the unnecessary standard. The revision includes as follow:

  • (KC 61851-1) Electric vehicle conductive charging system
  • (KC 62752) In-cable control and protection device for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD)
  • (KC 61851-22) to be abolished