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Notification for Conformity Assessment of Broadcasting and Communication Equipment (2022.07.19)

By July 29, 2022June 14th, 2023No Comments

The MSIT promulgated the revision, aiming to enhance and clarify the requirements for effective implementation. The revision includes as follows:

  • Only the country where the applicable equipment is finally manufactured is used for the identification of conformity*.
  • The revision relaxes the requirement of restricting the location of model name for the identification of conformity, if meeting the specified condition.

* Under the regulation, the manufacturer, seller or importer of equipment for broadcasting and communication must undergo conformity assessment and identify its conformity on the equipment as follows;

Identification of conformity
KC mark
Identification code
Information for conformity assessment
– name of equipment,
– name of model,
– date of manufacture (year and month),
– name of manufacturer/country of manufacture