On October 4, 2022, MOLIT presented another revised draft with some modifications concerning the battery type approval system, in an effort to address some concerns raised by the industry and reflect feedback from the legislative researchers. The major revisions include the following:
- The term is changed for a clear distinction between the self-certification and the type approval.
- type approval –> safety verification
- The battery verified is exempted from self-certification.
- The provisions for modification report and its penalty are added.
- ‘Modification verification’ for major matters
- ‘Modification report’ for minor matters
- Parts verified are subject to after-sales management.
- Grace periods are granted as follows:
- Registration of the EV traction battery : 2 or 3 years after the promulgation (NT)
- Safety verification: 2 years (NT)/ 4 years (AT) after the promulgation