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Pre-announcement of Control Standard for In-Car Air Quality for New Motor Vehicles

By March 25, 2022June 14th, 2023No Comments

MOLIT pre-announced the Control Standard for In-Car Air Quality for New Motor Vehicles on March 21, 2022. The revision draft seeks to expand the scope to imported vehicles for verifying the compliance with the recommended standards for in-car air quality. It aims to ensure fairness both to domestic manufacturers and to importers. It also tightens the control on in-car air quality through follow-up investigation in case of non-compliance.

  • Under the revision, the vehicles for the in-car air quality investigation are defined as follows:
    • Vehicle subject to the measurement: The vehicle should be tested by the testing agency.
    • Vehicle subject to the confirmation: The vehicle should be confirmed for its compliance. In this case, the vehicle manufacturer carries out the test and submits the test report.
  • With the exemption provision abolished, the small-volume manufacturers with an annual sales volume not exceeding 500 units are also be subject to the investigation.